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Shivalik Dam

  • Ideal Duration - 4 Hours

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About Shivalik Dam

This destination is a marvelous tourist spot, perfect for family outings and swimming adventures on Sundays. Adding to its allure, there’s a revered Lord Shiva temple and a mystical Dhuni Mata mandir nestled within a mountain cave. This locale presents an ideal blend of recreational opportunities, spiritual enrichment, and natural beauty. It’s an idyllic haven for those seeking a memorable day of leisure, relaxation, and exploration in the heart of serene surroundings.

By Road: To reach Shivalik Dam in Udaipur by road, start from your location and take NH58 southwest. After about 15 kilometers, exit onto Shivalik Dam Road. Drive about 5 kilometers following signs to the dam, which will be on your right. Park in designated areas and enjoy the scenic view.

By Air: If traveling by air, land at Maharana Pratap Airport in Udaipur. From the airport, hire a taxi or use a rideshare service to reach Shivalik Dam. The dam is around 25 kilometers away and the journey takes about 40 minutes, depending on traffic.

By Train: For train travel, reach Udaipur City Railway Station. From there, hire a taxi, use a rideshare service, or take a local bus to Shivalik Dam. The dam is approximately 30 kilometers away and the journey can take around 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the mode of transportation and traffic conditions.

Shivalik Dam offers a captivating experience for visitors. Nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, this dam presents breathtaking views of water reservoirs and surrounding hills. The serene ambiance is perfect for nature enthusiasts and photographers. Enjoy leisurely walks along the dam, soaking in the tranquility. The site features well-maintained facilities, including seating areas and viewpoints for optimal sightseeing. Birdwatchers will find a variety of avian species to admire. The shimmering waters and lush greenery provide a soothing escape from urban life. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or a chance to connect with nature, Shivalik Dam promises an unforgettable retreat in the heart of Udaipur’s natural beauty.

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